Representative Tina Wildberger has made Kihei her home since 1995. In 2000 Rep Wildberger & her spouse took over Kihei Ice, now the second largest ice producer in the state, responsible for the livelihoods of 15 Maui families. As a small business owner, Rep Wildberger understands the issues faced by companies working hard to make ends meet in our island economy.
She also understands the plight of workers who struggle to cross the poverty line with the current minimum wage. For this reason, starting October 2015, Kihei Ice committed to a minimum wage of $15 for their employees.
Born in upstate New York, Rep Wildberger considers herself a product of the Eastern Seaboard. She graduated from Georgia State University in 1988.
Committees for 2022 Session
Government Reform (GVR) - Vice Chair
Finance (FIN)
Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness (PDP)
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL)
Member representing Hawai'i throughout 2022
Hawai'i Invasive Species Council
Member representing Maui County
CSG West Energy Committee
Appointed to the 2019-2020 committee by Speaker Saiki
NCSL Natural Resources & Infrastructure Committee
Appointed to the 2019-2020 National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) committee by Speaker Saiki
Other Associations
2016: Inaugural Class HAPA's Kuleana Academy
2013 - 2015: Maui Tomorrow Foundation.
As chair of the Clean Air Committee she addressed clean air issues on behalf of South Maui communities. Her work included helping to educate the public about the Clean Air App to put pressure on the Department of Health to acknowledge burn permit violations related to open field burning conducted upwind of our communities.