2022 Bill Package
I'm excited to announce my 2022 bill package! Be sure to add these bills to your bill lists so you can submit testimony in support as they make their way through the legislative process.
*The legislature only accepts Testimony in the narrow 24-48 hour window before each hearing.*
Below is the complete list of all bills in my package with status link. The list is organized by topic.
Wetland Preservation HB1902/SB3010: Requires Environmental Review for development that would impact wetlands & supporting areas.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Two Stroke Engines HB1901/SB3009: Bans sale of 2-stroke engines by 2024, creates loan program to facilitate switch to electric machines.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Clean Air Bill of Rights HB1905: Codifies Constitutional protections for clean air, including secondhand smoke, fugitive dust, & chemical drift.
Tourism Management HB1899: Switches HTA's guiding statute from "Tourism Marketing" to "Tourism Management."
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Sunshine Law HB1897: Makes various edits to the Sunshine Law to increase transparency & public participation.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Tenant Rights HB1895/SB3326: Creates protections for tenants & penalties for landlord violations.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Employment HB1896/SB3291: Removes outdated "master-servant" language in employment law & resolves unemployment insurance issues for 1099 workers.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Thrill Craft HB1900/SB6248: Re-defining Thrill Craft to include eFoils, which bans them from sensitive areas during whale season.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Snorkel Gear HB1903/SB3206: Requiring first responders who respond to drowning incidents to report what kind of snorkel gear is being worn (if any).
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Responsible, Adult use Cannabis HB1907/SB2455: Legalizes & Taxes Responsible, Adult-Use Cannabis.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)
Motor Vehicle Valuation HB1898/SB2541: Updates criteria for insurance companies to take into account when valuing electric vehicles for claims.
Taxation of Fruits and Vegetables HB1904/SB3233: Exempts fresh fruits & vegetables from State GET to promote healthy eating.
House: Measure Status (hawaii.gov)